Speech Audiometry Test speech-therapy, hearing-aid-trial, hearing-loss, impedance-hearing-test, hearing-aid, digital-hearing-aid, widex-hearing-aid, widex-bd, Widex-Hearing-Center, Speech Audiometry Test,

Speech audiometry is a speech test or battery of tests performed to understand the client's ability to discriminate speech sounds, detect speech in background noise, understand the signals being presented, and recall the information presented.

The Speech Audiometry Test is a critical component of hearing assessments used to evaluate a person's ability to understand and process spoken language. Unlike pure-tone audiometry, which measures the hearing threshold for pure tones, speech audiometry focuses on how well a person can hear and comprehend speech at various volume levels and in different conditions.

Speech Audiometry Test

Assess Speech Recognition: Measures how well a person can understand spoken words and sentences.

Determine Speech Reception Threshold (SRT): Identifies the softest level at which a person can correctly repeat back simple words or sentences.

Evaluate Speech Discrimination: Assesses how well a person can distinguish between different speech sounds at a comfortable listening level.

Guide Treatment: Helps in planning hearing aid fittings and other rehabilitative measures by understanding speech perception abilities.

How the Speech Audiometry Test is Performed

Preparation: The patient is seated in a soundproof room with headphones or insert earphones. The audiologist will use a calibrated speech signal to present words or sentences.

Speech Reception Threshold (SRT):

Test Setup: The patient listens to a list of words presented at decreasing intensity levels.

Response: The patient repeats the words they hear. The lowest intensity at which the patient can correctly repeat 50% of the words is recorded as the SRT.

Speech Discrimination Test:

Test Setup: The patient listens to a set of words or sentences at a fixed comfortable level.

Response: The patient repeats or identifies the words or sentences. The percentage of correctly identified words helps assess speech discrimination ability.

Results and Interpretation:

SRT Results: Provides information about the threshold level at which speech can be understood.

Speech Discrimination Results: Shows how well the patient can discriminate between different speech sounds, which can be affected by hearing loss or other auditory disorders.

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