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Our Best Services

Pure Tone Audiometry Test

Pure tone audiometry (PTA) is the most crucial hearing test. It measures a person's hearing threshold and dete...

Impedance Hearing Test

An impedance hearing test, also known as tympanometry, is a diagnostic test used to assess the condition of th...

SRT (Stapedial Reflexes Threshold) Test

The Stapedial Reflex Threshold (SRT) test is a specialized auditory test used to assess the functioning of the...

Tinnitus Matching Test

The Tinnitus Matching Test is used to evaluate and characterize tinnitus, a condition characterized by the per...

Speech Audiometry Test

Speech audiometry is a speech test or battery of tests performed to understand the client's ability to discrim...

Home Sleep Test

A Home Sleep Test (HST) is a diagnostic tool used to evaluate sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea...

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